When my little muffin doesn't get what she wants, we all know it, it sounds like it's the end of the world. If you read my little asterisk, it says *occurs when Little Miss Sophie fails to obtain that which she wants at any given time.
This layout was inspired by this week's color palette (revealed July 22, 2010), Inspiration Board #152. The designer challenge is to use ruffles or pleating. Feel free to come and hang out with us at Color Combos Galore for this week's gorgeous color palette. I found the perfect colors in that Map paper, and the story developed from there....working in WORLD in the title. Pretty clever of me, isn't it! :) For a while there, I just threw together layouts, now I try really hard to make it cohesive to ensure that most things are deliberate and have meaning.

Bye for now!
WOW Lesley!! This is absolutely stunning!!!! I love it!!
Another beautiful work of art. Your layouts always look like you have everything planned so perfectly. Sophie is a very cute little lady.
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